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She Makes Him into a Better Lover

Not fire and water, not day and night - its 2 different kinds of fire each combining into a hotter and hotter and hotter flame. Now my husband and I will have an orgy the likes of which no man has ever known, the likes of which only 2 passionate women could even dream of." Sure enough, an indescribable day long orgy blissfully ensued. But even tigresses become exhausted, and they fell asleep holding one another and saying how much they loved each other.

The seventh day Erica woke up and looked lovingly at Jenny, who stirred her naked body and looked back, and said to Erica: "I love you. Thank you so much for going along with my experiment. You're the best husband ever! A penny for your thoughts?" Erica replied that she was sad because this was the last day of their vacation, the end of their experiment. But she did not want it to end. "This has been the happiest week of my life - and -- and --"

Erica paused. She paused some more, and with great effort breathed in and out, trembled, and finally said, "I don't want to change back. I want to be a girl forever. In fact, yesterday after you went to sleep I destroyed the antidote. I apologize for becoming a girl forever without first consulting you. I know that I should have. But I love you, and was nervous that you might say "no". Please forgive me. I'll make it up to you."

Jenny was dumbstruck. Those were her exact words. That was exactly what she had said to Eric when she gave him the potion at the start of their vacation. What could she now say or do except to kiss him? As had happened when they first kissed during the past week, their breasts mashed together, nipples getting harder and harder, building the eroticism, and Jenny replied, "I love you too. You are now the perfect husband and the perfect man and you've made me the happiest wife in the world." Jenny was happy that she had saved their marriage and that her wishes had come true. No more masturbating on the couch! Instead, she could look forward to endless orgies with her perfect lover. Life was great. It just hadn't quite worked out in the exact way she had expected.

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